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Bathroom decorative set | Cracked concrete accessories 3d model
Dispenser / dispenser for soap / shampoo / shower gel
H&M Stoneware soap dispenser, Soap dish H&M Stoneware soap dish
H&M Stoneware toothbrush tumbler / tumbler for toothbrushes H&M Stoneware toothbrush mug
Paper towel box / napkin holder, towel, vase with branch, Cracked sphere sculpture by cb2, REFY cosmetics tube, Lacuna Shape Sculptural Centerpiece bowl by Kristina Dam, soap, book
Dimensions: h = 30 cm, w = 90 cm, d = 80 cm
The model uses CoronaLegacyMtl. The model is made in Corona 10, but tested and 100% correctly rendered in Corona 2 and above.