3Д Модель Стула деревянного с подлокотниками Ramsey Upholstered Counter Stool
Name: Remsey
Version: 2012
Preview: Yes
Units: Millimeters
Dimension: 561.85 x 557.83 x 999.87
Polys without shadesmooth: 22 828
Polys with shadesmooth: 91 266
Verts without shadesmooth: 24 445
Verts with shadesmooth: 94 227
XForm: Yes
Box Trick: No
Model Parts: 4
Render: Corona 3
3Ds Max 2012 corona - 6,12 mb,
OBJ - 3.22 mb,
FBX - 1.13 mb,
3ds - 1.16 mb,
The model is under smoothing. Set the level of iterations in the smoothing modifier. The stack is open.